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A truly great design is only as good as it performs.


Our thoughtful designs provide much more than meets the eye. Learn more about how our projects disrupt the convention.

NIDO specializes in the design of the homes and buildings of the future - today.

About Us


We believe that sustainable buildings, first and foremost, consider the health, comfort, and well being of our clients but as well as our communities and the world as a whole. 
With well over a million individual parts and pieces to even the smallest projects, we ask where did all of the materials come from, how were they made, what are the ingredients that they are composed of, and how do they impact both our client's health but those who were involved in the extraction, manufacturing, construction and even disposal when their useful life is over. 


Thoughtful designs are inherently energy efficient.

By using Passive House principles we can reduce energy demand by as much as 75% over conventional construction. With the addition of solar panels, this provides the possibility to generate all the energy you need on-site, Net-Zero, and even be Net- Positive with additional solar power to recharge electric vehicles. 


To achieve this shift we have created a complete process


To start, we ask the question of why does building sustainably even matter?  Wouldn't it be easier to continue like the industry has been doing it for years?

Yes, of course, but with the challenges we face in the world today, we constantly ask ourselves how are our projects achieving true sustainability and do they have the ability to inspire others to also consider the bigger picture.

NIDO High Performance Building Design

NIDO specializes in Passive House, Net-Zero, Net-Positive, and Living Building Challenge homes and buildings. 


Our mission is to create the healthiest of homes and buildings defined by exceptional comfort, amazing indoor air quality, low operating costs, and a low environmental impact for generations.


The recipe is actually pretty simple.....we live in a heating-dominated climate so we design according to each projects specific climate:


  • Super Insulation

  • Airtight Construction to Minimize Air/Energy Leakage

  • Triple Glazed, Airtight Windows & Doors

  • Thermal Bridge Free Design Details

  • 24/7 365 Ventilation with Heat Recovery

  • Lastly, a lit bit of Heating & Cooling


Each and every project is optimized for its comfort and energy use based on its specific location. 

With our integrated design process, we evaluate the best strategy for success and disrupt the typical construction practices in every aspect, from integrated aesthetic design within a 3D environment to complete integration of the mechanical and electrical systems. 

Our preferred construction approach utilizes prefabricated panelized construction which allows for the shell of a building to be installed in only days. 

NIDO is involved from step one to the day the keys are handed over to assist both the Builder and Owner throughout the entire design and construction process. 


For our clients, it provides a seamless experience that enables you to build beyond what you think is possible! 

The opportunity to create the healthiest, most sustainable homes in the world is what drives about you?

Residential Home Design


Every home is carefully thought out to work for you and your life. This starts with understanding your needs, wants, features of the site and construction budget. Important design elements include: functionality, maintenance, constructability and performance.  Once a scheme is developed we then energy model each home to optimize the performance and select the mechanical and electrical systems. This approach emphasizes shifting costs to what makes your home the most comfortable and durable while minimizing ongoing operating costs. Everything is worked out in detail in the construction documents, ready to panelize and build saving you time and money.  


What's Important to you?



Thoughtful Design

Experienced Team

Collaborative Process

High Quality

Exceptional Comfort


Energy Self-Sufficient

Healthy Home

Move in Faster

Power Your Car

Low Environmental Impact


Your home performs as well as it's shell: roof, exterior walls, and floors. It's critical that they are optimized to minimize heat loss and include lots of insulation, minimize air leakage, and high quality triple pane windows.  


We recommend prefabricated panels because it guarantees quality, efficiency, and reduces waste. It's difficult to match this on site. We work with a dedicated team that builds high performance shells and is not affected by the weather.   This allows the local builder to build your shell while your foundation is dug. The shell of your house is assembled in 3 to 7 days and is tested onsite to sure be sure it meets our stringent requirements.  For you this means getting your house built sooner and making sure you get the quality you're expecting. 

Prefab Home Construction
Anchor 1
Design Build


Quality and care follows through to construction. We advocate for your project the whole way. Our team is available to address any issues that arise and we know and understand every little detail needed to build a high performance house -- nothing is left to how it's always been done. We recommend builders that we trust and also believe in our dedication to care and performance.


Conventional construction seeks to minimize building costs and maximize profit. This results in low quality and high cost. By providing complete seamless service we aspire to maximize performance and value to you. It's through this philosophy we help you build your best possible home.  

Client Care

Our process lets you move in faster while helping you get a significantly more comfortable and higher performing home. Your project's success is our success. We are an advocate for your project from conception until you have had a chance to  experience living in your home. We want to make sure you are taken care of throughout the process and that your home performs as designed.

Passive House Clients
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